・基礎英語 (ESL) レベル 1-7
・Academic Test Preparation Programs: TOEFL iBT, IELTS
・Canadian University Experience Program ・International ESL Teacher Certificate Program
University of Manitoba はマニトバ州の州都ウィニペグにある 1877 年創立の西部カナダで最も歴史ある大学で、地域で最大の研究総合教育機関です。特に有名な歯学部、医学部、建築学部ではカナダでもトップクラスを誇るカナダの州立大学です。
University of Manitoba は農学校が前身となり、バイオ、食品科学、医学部は伝染病の研究で世界的に評価が高く、カナダ農務省の研究所が併設されるなど、農学に強い大学として認知されています。医学部も定評があり、特に新生児疾患やHIVの研究で知らるなど、長年に渡り様々な分野で成果を出している大学です。近年では地球温暖化、クリーンエネルギー、公衆衛生、食品開発など国際的に影響を持つ重要な研究を行っていることで知られています。また大学院も充実しており、学費の安さも含め、大学院への進学に適した大学です。
University of Manitoba 附属語学学校の Intensive English Program は 1 セッション 4 週間というカリキュラム構成で、授業は 100、150、200、250 レベルの学生は毎週 4 時間分のワークショップに参加し、350、400 レベルの学生は大学院や大学学部進学を目指す学生を対象にしたカリキュラムとなっており、短期間でも語学留学出来る点が特徴です。
マニトバ大学附属語学学校のキャンパスは University of Manitoba のメインキャンパスである Fort Garry Campus にあり、676 エーカー(東京ドーム約 60 個分) という広大な敷地であり設備の整った環境です。広大なキャンパス内には図書館が複数あり、スポーツジム、食堂、さらに語学留学生も通年滞在ができる学生寮が備わっています。学生寮は 3 食付きとなり、まさに留学生にとって魅力的な環境です。
University of Manitoba で英語を学ぶおすすめな点は、親切でフレンドリーで優しい人々、ウィニペグの街には日本人がほとんどいない環境で、自然溢れる環境な学ぶことができることです。University of Manitoba は大学生との交流の機会も多い優れた英語環境と、質の高いプログラム、そして学生寮での生活がリーズナブルな学費でかなえられる大学附属語学学校です。
Grammar & Reading
Reading & Other
Reading & Other
Reading & Other
Reading & Other
Speaking & Other
Speaking & Other
Speaking & Other
University of Manitoba 附属語学学校の Intensive English Program は 1 セッション 4 週間というカリキュラム構成で、授業は 100、150、200、250 レベルの学生は毎週 4 時間分のワークショップに参加し、350、400 レベルの学生は大学院や大学学部進学を目指す学生を対象にしたカリキュラムとなっており、短期間でも語学留学出来る点が特徴です。
カナダ有数の語学・進学プログラム Intensive English Program University of Manitoba 附属語学学校の英語プログラムは 4 週間単位で受講が可能で、初心者から上級者まで 7 段階のレベルがあります。
専門&学位コース 大学の英語習熟度の要求を満たす留学生には拡張教育 (Extended
Education) プログラムの受講が可能です。職業認定コースに入学して職業上のスキルを磨いたり、夏期講習に参加して学位取得講座に出たり、オンライン学位取得講座の受講ができます。 Certificate in Teaching English as a Second LanguageFor individuals seeking training in teaching English as a second language to adults or to children, Extended Education and the Faculty of ducation offer a Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language (CTESL). The CTESL program is fully accredited by TESL Canada.
The certificate program meets local, national, as well as international needs of teacher development. The program provides a focused preparation for the teaching of English as a Second Language or English as a Foreign Language to adult and adolescent learners.
Upon successful completion of the program, CTESL participants will be able to:
・ Discuss the theoretical basis of second language instruction.
Plan effective second language instruction;
Employ a variety of effective ESL teaching techniques and methods; and explain, in pedagogically relevant ways, the linguistic structure and use of the English language.
The CTESL program consists of a total of five 40-hour courses: four required courses and one approved elective course.
Students will receive instruction from qualified, experienced teachers with Masters or Doctoral degrees, and upon graduation, will be awarded a certificate from the University of Manitoba, a recognized institution of higher learning.
Employment search information will be provided as part of the program.
Required courses
CTSL 0100/EDUB 1620 Principles and Procedures of Second Language Teaching (40hrs)
Examination of principles and demonstration of procedures for developing basic second language knowledge and skill in various contexts, e.g., English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Aboriginal Language (AL), Heritage Language (HL), or International Language (IL).
CTSL 0102/EDUB 1640 Teaching ESL Vocabulary and Pronunciation(40hrs)
Systematic and principled procedures for teaching English vocabulary, and for teaching comprehensible and acceptable English pronunciation (vowels, diphthongs, semi-vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation).
CTSL 0104/EDUB 1650 Teaching ESL Grammar (40hrs)
Examination of English sentence and discourse grammar, and demonstration of procedures of teaching grammar in communicative and academic contexts.
CTSL 0120/EDUB 1860 Practicum in Second Language Teaching (40hrs)
Practical second language teaching experiences, including: observing recorded and live teaching, planning lessons and units, micro and live teaching, and reflective practice. This course is graded pass/fail. Pre- or corequisites: CTSL 0100 Principles and Procedures of Second Language Teaching, CTSL 0102 Teaching ESL Vocabulary and Pronunciation, CTSL 0104 Teaching ESL Grammar.
Elective courses
CTSL 0108/EDUB 1820Content-based second language instruction (40hrs)
Principles and procedures of teaching ESL/bilingual students in subject-area classrooms, using content-based language instruction and language sensitive content instruction.
CTSL 0106/EDUB 1606Teaching ESL Foundational Literacy, Academics and Language (LAL) Students (40hrs)
This course focus on the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching foundational English literacy, numeracy, academics, oral language and schooling routines to English language learners. Definitions, assessment, and instructional strategies will be exmined with a view to meeting diverse needs of EAL/bilingual literacy learners.
CTSL 0110/EDUB 1612 Adult ESL and the Canadian language benchmarks (40hrs)
This course will examine the Canadian Language Benchmarks and its use in Adult EAL programs. Attention will be paid to the following areas: format, features, and key principles of the CLB, communicative competence, language tasks and task-based instruction, thematic module planning, language assessment and evaluation.
CTSL 0114/EDUB 1608 Assessment and testing of ESL learners (40hrs)
This course will examine various methods in assessment and testing of Enlglish language learners, including formative, summative and alternative assessment strategies. Attention will be paid to the following areas: initial and ongoing needs assessment, evaluating without tests, evaluating with tests, and questioning the educative value of assessment and testing.
Lead Adult Learners Language Partner Program
The Language Partner program offers the opportunity for Intensive English Program (IEP) students to meet with people interested in helping them to improve their conversational English.
If you are interested in becoming a Language Partner with an Intensive English Program student you must:
・Meet for a minimum of 4 hours over one session (one session equals 2 months – e.g. January to March 2015)
・Speak only in English
・Meet in a public location such as a coffee shop, shopping mall, etc.
・Please note that IEP Language Partners are not teaching or tutoring IEP students. Language Partners are providing IEP students with opportunities to practice their conversational English in an informal setting.
Also, the meetings are only for the assigned language partner and IEP student. If there are additional students or partners who attend meetings, please inform the program coordinator.
People interested in becoming a Language Partner and would like to meet some of our students before making a decision can come to our weekly Conversation Café. Every Thursday IEP students come to our Conversation Café for coffee, drinks, snacks and an opportunity to practice their conversational English. The time is from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. but the location sometimes changes. Please email Dirk Friesen at Dirk.Friesen@umanitoba.ca for the Conversation Café location that week.
We would love to see you there!
There is No Place Like It Experience Manitoba - Activities and Other Our Experience Manitoba Activities help you to use the English you have learned in the classroom in the community.
Our Activity Leaders (University of Manitoba students) always plan fun and interesting events and encourage you to make friends and practice English. They help you to explore the province of Manitoba and the city of Winnipeg and encourage you to become part of the University of Manitoba community.
On campus, you can join our Conversation Café to practice your English skills, meet with a language partner, or become a member of our sports club.
Off campus we plan activities for students to enjoy the many cultural, social and sporting events available in the city of Winnipeg.
The University of Manitoba also provides many recreational activities for students. There are a variety of sports and recreation facilities and a variety of intramural sports leagues offering the opportunity to play sports with other University of Manitoba students.
Weekly Events
Once a week a social, cultural or recreational activity is organized for students. Admission and transportation to these activities is free for Intensive English Program students. Activity Leaders and IEP staff come on all weekly events and are there to encourage students to speak English and have fun! Conversation Café
The Conversation Café is held every Thursday on the University of Manitoba campus. Intensive English Program students, staff and volunteers get together for some stimulating conversation. Coffee and snacks are always provided. There is only one rule: speak English.
Language Partner Program
All Intensive English Program students are eligible for a language partner while they are taking the program. Students meet with a native speaker at least once a week on campus to practice their conversational skills. If you would like a language partner email us and we will set you up with someone.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Intensive English Program also offers a number of volunteer opportunities for students to practice their English while helping out in the local community. Students have volunteered at Siloam Mission, Winnipeg Harvest, Take Pride Winnipeg, Folklorama (cultural festival), Playcare Daycare, Carter Early Learning Centre, Misericordia Hospital, Golden Door Senior’s Home, Manitoba Theatre for Young People, Muscular Dystrophy Canada, CIBC Run for the Cure, UMSU and the Mennonite Central Committee.
Our Activity leaders are University of Manitoba students and are always looking for fun and interesting events for our students to experience. IEP Extras are planned by our Activity leaders for you to experience more of the social, cultural and recreational opportunities available on the University of Manitoba campus, the city of Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba. With IEP Extras students are responsible for the cost of the event and for transportation. The Activity Leader who organizes an Extra will accompany the students on the event.
※Date Modified 2018/03/02
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