Concordia University はジャーナリズムと映像、写真や演劇等などを中心とした芸術系分野においてカナダだけでなく世界的に知られています。またジョン・モルソン・スクール・オブ・ビジネスも MBA 取得のためのビジネススクールとして知られています。その他特に国際分野、社会科学、ジャーナリズム、エンジニアリングなどの分野で実績があるカナダ有数の教育機関でもあります。
Concordia University 附属語学学校の Intensive English Language は、8 レベルに分けられ、レベル 6 からはよりアカデミックな内容が取り入れられ、大学進学を目指す方にも有効なコース内容です。1 セッション 10 週間のプログラムで組まれているため年間 4 回入学できる機会があります。
授業内容はアカデミックな内容ですがフォーマル、インフォーマルな英語の使い分けや、カンバセーション、ディベートやディスカッションなど、日常英会話も抑えた授業内容でカレッジや大学への進学希望者だけでなく語学留学生にも人気のプログラムです。Advanced レベル (上級 2) を 70% 以上の成績で卒業すると、Concordia University への進学時に十分な英語力があると認められ、TOEFL や IELTS などのスコアは不要になります。ただし、学校独自の英語試験は受ける必要があります。また、Part-Time Study には、カンバセーション、ライティングワークショップ、試験対策 (TOEFL/IELTS) などもあります。
授業以外でも自習室や PC ラウンジなどで課題をこなしたり、クラスメイトと一緒にグループ学習をするなど、学習以外での教育機会も作られています。また各セッションで、アクティビティや課外活動などを通じて、カナダの文化体験の機会もあります。
Concordia University 附属語学学校の留学生の国籍は世界 55 ヶ国以上からの留学生を受け入れておりアジア、アラブからの生徒が多く、そのまま大学本科への進学を目指す学生が多いのが特徴です。語学留学生も Concordia University の学生と同様に学生証をもらい図書館やラウンジ、PC ラボなどを自由に使え、大学に併設されたジムを割引価格で使用できます。
Concordia University 附属語学学校がある Concordia University のメインキャンパス (Sir George Williams Campus) はモントリオールのダウンタウンの目抜き通り、セントキャサリン通り沿いにありメインビルの 1 つは Guy-Concordia 駅 と直結しており改札横のエレベーターに乗ると直接キャンパスに入れます。Guy-Concordia 駅の周辺にそれぞれの建物が密集しているため移動距離が少なくすみます。さらにメインキャンパスの多くの建物がガラス張りの高層ビルです。
メインキャンパスの最も大きなビルの 1 階には Second Cup、隣のビル (Faubourg Ste-Catherine) には Starbucks、SAQ (酒屋) などあり、3 階にはフードコートがあり、日本人が経営するお手頃価格の日本食がありその場で食べれますしお弁当も作ってもらえます。さらに道を挟み真向かいにはドラッグストア Tim Hotons (ドーナツ屋)、銀行の ATM などがそろっており学校生活を過ごすのに不自由がなくダウンタウンという便利な立地に位置しています。
Concordia University 附属語学学校は、モントリオールのダウンタウンにあるキャンパスで、大学附属の中でリーズナブルにしっかりと英語を学ぶことが出来、また Concordia University への進学につながる英語力を身に着けたい方にお勧めの学校です。
Concordia University 附属語学学校の ESL、FSL のプログラムは、学術目的、社交目的、仕事目的で英語を有効活用することを目的としたカリキュラムが組まれており、全員第 2 外国語学習を専門とする専門講師による教育を行っています。
6 レベルの基礎英語プログラム Intensive English Language Program Intensive English Language Program では、大学進学に必要な英語力を修得する目的で授業が行われています。6 つに分かれたレベル判定は、入学にあたりまずはプレースメントテストによる自己分析、続いて数日間授業を受けた後に先生による分析を経て最終的に生徒に合ったレベル分けをするという 2 段階のレベル分けを行っています。
授業では様々なトピックを通して Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary の各スキルを伸ばします。さらにディスカッションや、スピーチ、ディベートなど、英語の口語表現も重視した内容となっております。また大学進学に備え学術的な文章の読解や、レポートやエッセーを書く機会も多くあります。
・ Learn from highly qualified teachers
・ Benefit from an outstanding collaborative learning experience
・ Develop critical skills and strategies for university study or professional careers
・ Use technology to enhance learning in class and after school
・ Receive individual support through our after-school study program
・ Make friends with students from around the world
・ Enjoy a variety of social activities and cultural excursions
・ Receive personalized attention from our professional office staff
・ Experience life in Montreal - one of Canada's most vibrant cities
・ Reach their academic, professional or personal learning goals in a dynamic and safe environment
6 レベルのフランス語のプログラム French Full-Time Program Concordia University では、フランス語クラスも開講しています。 初級から上級レベルまで対応可能な 6 レベルです。授業ではフランス語圏の文化やパリに次にフラン語話者が多いモントリオールについて学び、会話力、聞く、読み、書き、発音、文法について満遍なく勉強します。
大学附属のパートタイムでフランス語勉強しよう French Conversation Program The French Conversation Program invites students to register in one of its 6 levels, according to their proficiency. The program is designed to give students the tools and practice they need in French to encourage and develop their linguistic abilities in their professional and social environment. Through a wide variety of communicative activities, students are encouraged to speak and develop their listening skills in work and social situations.
In all levels, written exercises are assigned
to reinforce grammar and vocabulary covered in class, and are done outside the classroom setting.A Certificate of Proficiency is awarded upon the successful completion (60%) of level 6.A Certificate of Proficiency with Distinction is awarded to students who obtain a grade of 75% or more upon the completion of Level 6.
CEFR 125
This course, designed for beginners, is for students with no knowledge (or very limited knowledge) of French. The focus of this course is to help students understand and formulate short utterances and expressions in basic French. Class activities include a variety of semi-controlled small group interactions and listening activities to help the students perform and understand the most basic functions of the French language in everyday situations outside the classroom. The learning of basic grammar and elementary vocabulary as well as an emphasis on pronunciation is also included.
CEFR 225
This course is designed for students who have a limited knowledge of French and speak with a very limited vocabulary. The course will help students acquire an elementary knowledge of French in order to enable them to function in basic everyday situations outside the classroom. Class activities include role playing, listening, and speaking activities focused on information exchanges to help students widen their vocabulary and integrate the basic grammar notions of the French language. Emphasis on pronunciation is also included.
CEFR 425
This is the first level of intermediate French and is designed for students who have a general knowledge of the language and wish to improve their ability to communicate in a variety of situations. Students at this level further develop their speaking skills in everyday situations and on topics of general interest. Reading newspaper and magazine articles and viewing short videos on a variety of topics serve to enrich vocabulary, stimulate class discussions and help the students learn more about the French culture. Grammar and pronunciation are integrated throughout the course.
CEFR 525
This is the second level of intermediate French and is designed for students who have good foundational abilities in the language. At this level, students continue to refine their speaking skills through small and large group discussions, debates on more complex subjects and presentations of reports based on articles from newspapers or magazines. Listening activities include work with videos on French culture and new discoveries in science. Grammar is integrated with the conversation themes throughout the course.
CEFR 625
This advanced level course is designed for students who have a strong knowledge of the language and can express themselves quite easily in French. The focus of this course is on refining the students'speaking skills to make them feel more at ease in professional and social situations. They participate in various types of oral presentations and debates, present reports based on articles from magazines, and lead discussion groups. From listening to video documentaries and reading magazine articles, students share information and opinions to further develop their conversational skills. At this level, most grammar problems are dealt with through contextual activities.
大学附属のパートタイムで英語試験対策 Test Preparation Courses The Centre for Continuing Education offers the following test preparation courses designed to help students prepare for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test), the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Note that completing the course is not a guarantee of obtaining successful results in the standardized test. Through active participation, students can expect to develop their skills and test-taking strategies.
CEEN 160
This course is designed for students who want to write the TOEFL iBT and to learn general test-taking techniques and strategies for the four (4) components of the test (listening, speaking, reading, & writing). The materials used in this course will focus on listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking from reading/listening, and writing from reading/listening. Registrants must be aware that this is not an ESL Course. A high intermediate to advanced competence in English, in all four language skills, is necessary upon enrollment. Students must also have the computer skills necessary to meet the requirements of the TOEFL IBT.
CEEN 166
The IELTS language proficiency test is comprised of four components: reading, writing, listening and speaking. This course is designed for students of an intermediate level of language proficiency who want to prepare for the academic module of the IELTS test. The course materials and activities are aimed to help students improve and practice the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and acquire the strategies required for all components of the test. Students will improve their academic skills through a variety of simulated test tasks.
The GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) is a test of certain skills and abilities that have been found to contribute to success in graduate programs in business and management. The GMAT is thus used by graduate schools assess the qualifications of applicants for advanced study in business and management. This course is designed to help prospective business students prepare for the GMAT through a review of the reasoning skills, analytical writing skills, and problem- solving strategies which are contained in the GMAT. This review course consists of two components: Part A, the Quantitative Component, focusses on using mathematical skills to analyze data and draw conclusions, and Part B, the Verbal Comprehension component, focusses on reading and understanding written material, evaluating arguments, and the ability to identify commonly tested elements of standard written English. This course will illustrate and anticipate the types of questions that are likely to appear on the GMAT.