ワーキングホリデービザで渡航されている方におすすめの選択科目は English in the Workplace です。 English in the Workplace では、仕事に役立つ英語や知識を得ることでき、仕事で使うフレーズ、職場での服装、上司や同僚との話し方、さらに BC 州での労働環境(最低賃金や給料明細の見方など)を学ぶことができます。VGC はアカデミックな内容はないのでワーキングホリデーの方にもおすすめの学校です。
現在ビジネス分野で就業中や、将来英語を使った分野での就職を希望している、そんな学生におすすめのプログラムです。様々な職場で想定されるビジネス英語の基礎を下記の 4 つの各テーマを 4 週間毎に学びます。各テーマ終了毎にサーティフィケートが授与されます。2 レベルあり、中級と上級レベルがあります。
International Business and Global Marketing in English / Human Resource Management in English / Business Communication in English / International Cultural Interactions
Pronunciation Plus
・ have improved your spoken English significantly.
produce sounds clearly.
・ model Canadian English rhythm and words stress that makes the Canadian accent the clearest of all English speaking countries.
・model Canadian English syllable stress, linking and intonation.
・feel more confident when speaking with native English speakers.
Beginner Plus
・ understand and use familiar everyday expressions in English.
・ have learned how to listen for general context and ideas.
・ be able to ask and answer a variety of basic questions.
・ be able to write and read simple texts and extract specific information.
・ know how to name and use basic English grammar structures.
英語教授法 TESL - Teaching English as a Second Langugage VGC では英語教授法の TESL プログラムを開講しています。このプログラムでは、教育哲学、教授法、実践と授業戦略を目的としているため、教師を目指している方、教師の方向けのプログラです。
Certificate と Deporoma プログラムの 2 種類あります。
目的 • Plan a series of ESL lessons that cover different skills and
systems for learners at different levels • Competently deliver the lessons they have planned to a class
of ESL learners • Provide and receive meaningful feedback to and from peers
• To reflect on one’s own learning and teaching and
to act on feedback and demonstrate improvement
・ Learning and teaching: background and theory
・ Practical methodology: teaching skills and systems
・ Language awareness
・ Lesson planning and objectives
・ Observations
・ Practicum (Diploma のみ)
VGC でビジネスについて学び、インターンシップもできる VGC School of International Business VGC では ESL 部門だけではなくビジネスコースもあります。2 週間、4 週間、24 週間のプログラムを開講しています。24 週間のプログラムではインターンシップをつけることもできます。
Enterpreneurship:How to Create a Successful Business
This program will combine lecture, case studies and a final group
project for assessment. By the end of this seminar course, students will
gain a good understanding of entrepreneurship and how to start a
successful business. Through case studies and lectures, students will
have gained an understanding of the importance of industry analysis,
writing a business plan and financing a new venture.
By the end of the course, participants will develop and present a new
business and show full understanding of the process of taking
a business idea to realization.
Marketing Through Social Media
This program will combine lecture, case studies and a final group
project for assessment. By the end of this seminar course, participants
will gain a good understanding of audience, social media platforms
and how they fit with a broader marketing strategy. Through case
studies and lectures, students will have gained an understanding of
the importance of social media and how it fits with marketing a
product or service. They will demonstrate their knowledge by
developing and presenting a social media strategy for a
given product.
This program will combine lecture, case studies and a final group
project for assessment. By the end of this seminar course, students will
gain a good understanding of what it takes to be a strong company
leader. Through case studies, we will explore the successes and
failures of leaders. More importantly, we will explore the reasons why
and how leaders become leaders. Through lecture, we will see the
importance of vision and how approaches differ. Furthermore,through
daily projects and presentations, participants will gain a better
understanding of their leadership skills and practical
knowledge of how to become a better leader.
4 Weeks Certificate
Business Presentaitons and Practices
This course provides hands-on experience on how to create exceptional business presentations using various
presentation software and deliver the presentations to the class with confidence. The students will deliver over multiple
presentations over the 4 weeks and will get daily constructive feedback from both the instructor and fellow students.
Marketing Essentials
Students learn the essentials of marketing for customers and clients. This course provides a general overview of
marketing with a focus on specific job skills in a typical marketing lifecycle, selling, customer relationships and
Applied Leadership in the Workplace
This course provides an overview of theories in applied leadership in the workplace as it relates to managing customer relations. The students learn about themselves to determine his or her own leadership style. Through the
study of leadership styles of historical and current business leaders, the student will learn various approaches to
different customer management situations. Through role-play and case studies, the student will be able to practice
and develop their leadership style.
Business Communication Essentials
This course prepares the students in both technical skills and soft skills for effective business communications.
With the aid of technical tools and role-playing, the students will learn a variety of business writing frameworks that
will help any organization communicate with clarity, sensitivity and efficiency in today’s demanding business world.
Practical Sales Techniques
In this course, the students learn the essentials of how to be a sales person and on how to develop a personal sales
approach. The students will learn about the opportunities in sales in this age of “information and technology”.
The students will get practical experience on how to develop person-to-person relationship strategies using
communication and buyers psychology.
6 Month Diploma & 1 year Diploma programs with Co-op
Diploma in Business Communications / Co-op
This program focuses student learning in the area of Business Communications. Through a mix of
competency and outcome based learning, the student will gain skills, experience and attitudes
through individual and team based instruction. Building on a base of Canadian business best
practices in sales and marketing, the student will learn how to use various forms of communications
to efficiently and effectively deliver and execute a variety of business and sales requirements.
Upon the completion of this diploma, the successful student will :
・ Have a good understanding of business terms, theories and organizational structure for Canadian business.
・ Be able to use basic mathematics for everyday business calculations.
・ Demonstrate the ability to write and present an effective presentation.
・ Write various correspondences and be familiar with various forms of business communications.
・ Develop their own leadership styles and techniques.
・ Demonstrate exceptional customer service in a person-to-person sales relationship whether it is
through face-to-face, online, or over the phone.
Business Presentations
and Practices
This course provides hands-on experience on how to create exceptional business presentations using various
presentation software and deliver the presentations to the class with confidence. The students will deliver over multiple
presentations over the 4 weeks and will get daily constructive feedback from both the instructor and fellow students.
Applied Leadership in the Workplace ※ Managing Customer Relationships コースと合同クラス
This course provides an overview of theories in applied leadership in the workplace as it relates to managing
customer relations. The students learn about themselves to determine his or her own leadership style. Through the
study of leadership styles of historical and current business leaders, the students will learn various approaches to
different customer management situations. Through role-play and case studies, the students will be able to practice
and develop their leadership style.
Business Communication Essentials
This course prepares the student in both technical skills and soft skills for effective business communications.
With the aid of technical tools and role-playing, the students will learn a variety of business writing frameworks that will
help any organization communicate with clarity, sensitivity and efficiency in today’s demanding business world.
Practical Business Calculations ※ Managing Customer Relationships コースと合同クラス
Students will learn about business mathematics that are used in everyday businesses. The skills learned in this course
will serve the students well in any business role as well as in their personal financial life.
Communication for Customer
Satisfaction and Excellence
In this course, the students learn how to provide exceptional customer service for any organization. The students will gain
concepts on customer service across a range of channels including face-to-face, over the phone, and online applications.
They will learn how to handle a range of customer behaviours. Students will be able to apply these practical concepts to
help differentiate any organization.
Introduction to Canadian
Business Management ※ Managing Customer Relationships コースと合同クラス
Students will learn about the nature of Canadian business best practices. The course will provide the theory and practical
knowledge for students to understand how Canadian businesses operate, plan, strategize, organize, develop and control.
Job Search Afternoon Class ※Co-op プログラムの場合
This four-week, afternoon class introduces the students to employment search strategies, including job search,
understanding their strengths and weaknesses, building their professional image and researching job opportunities.
It is an important part of the Co-Op portion of the course and prepares students to find successful employment.
Co-Op Work Experience※Co-op プログラムの場合
The six-month paid Co-Op gives students work experience in the Canadian workplace. It allows the students to see
first-hand how the theoretical lessons of the program play out in a real work situation. Students will be able to apply
their learning and then complete reports about their experience.
Two weeks of Capstone :
Co-Op Review, Project Work
and Graduation ※Co-op プログラムの場合
After the Co-Op has ended, students return to VGC to complete a project that reflects on their experience and
their outcomes of their course. Through this two-week final project, the students will present their findings and
lessons learned from theory to the workplace.
Managing Customer Relationships / Co-op
The Diploma in Managing Customer Relationships equips students with a comprehensive set of
theories, skills, and practices on the most effective ways to manage customer relationships in a
business environment. This program includes sales techniques, managing customer expectation,
and understanding customers in an international business setting. Students will gain knowledge
through individual and group based instructional models.
Upon the completion of this diploma, the successful student will :
・ Have a good understanding of business terms, theories and organizational structure for
Canadian business.
・ Be able to use basic mathematics for everyday business calculations.
・ Prepare and execute various customer service strategies.
・ Demonstrate effective communication skills in business writing and business presentations.
・ Recall, generalize and demonstrate leadership skills as it relates to staff management and
customer management.
・ Have a good understanding and will be able to apply marketing strategies to business.
Marketing Essentials
Students learn the essentials of marketing for customers and clients. This course provides a general
overview of marketing with a focus on specific job skills in a typical marketing lifecycle, selling, customer
relationships and communication.
Applied Leadership in the Workplace ※ Business Communications コースと合同クラス
This course provides an overview of theories in applied leadership in the workplace as it relates to managing
customer relations. The students learn about themselves to determine his or her own leadership style. Through the
study of leadership styles of historical and current business leaders, the students will learn various approaches to
different customer management situations. Through role-play and case studies, the students will be able to practice
and develop their leadership style.
Practical Sales Techniques
In this course, the students learn the essentials of how to be a sales person and on how to develop a
personal sales approach. The students will learn about the opportunities in sales in this age of “information
and technology”. The students will get practical experience on how to develop person-to-person relationship
strategies using communication and buyers psychology.
Practical Business Calculations ※ Business Communications コースと合同クラス
Students will learn about business mathematics that are used in everyday businesses. The skills learned in this course
will serve the students well in any business role as well as in their personal financial life.
Principles of Managing
Customer Relationships
Students will learn about business mathematics that are used in everyday businesses.
The skills learned in this course will serve the student well in any business role as well as in their
personal financial life.
Introduction to Canadian
Business Management ※ Business Communications コースと合同クラス
Students will learn about the nature of Canadian business best practices. The course will provide the theory and practical
knowledge for students to understand how Canadian businesses operate, plan, strategize, organize, develop and control.
Job Search Afternoon Class ※Co-op プログラムの場合
This four-week, afternoon class introduces the students to employment search strategies, including job search,
understanding their strengths and weaknesses, building their professional image and researching job opportunities.
It is an important part of the Co-Op portion of the course and prepares students to find successful employment.
Co-Op Work Experience※Co-op プログラムの場合
The six-month paid Co-Op gives students work experience in the Canadian workplace. It allows the students to see
first-hand how the theoretical lessons of the program play out in a real work situation. Students will be able to apply
their learning and then complete reports about their experience.
Two weeks of Capstone :
Co-Op Review, Project Work
and Graduation ※Co-op プログラムの場合
After the Co-Op has ended, students return to VGC to complete a project that reflects on their experience and
their outcomes of their course. Through this two-week final project, the students will present their findings and
lessons learned from theory to the workplace.
授業以外にも学習サポート Study Lab (講師常勤自習室) ・ Continuing Studies (コンティニューイングスタディ) VGC では毎週月曜から木曜の 15:40-16:40 までの間、 Study Lab (講師常勤自習室) を行っています。Study Lab は、授業後の勉強する場所、宿題をみてもらう、試験に必要な追加教材をもらう、などを提供する場であり、時間内は自由に出入りができます。
また、隔週金曜日の午後に開催される、レジュメやカバーレター、インタビュー(面接) についての Work Shop もありますので、ワーキングホリデービザで学校卒業後お仕事をされる方のサポートをしています。
英語を積極的に使って景品をゲットしよう Purple Card English Only Policy が徹底され、母国語を話してしまうと課題などのペナルティーが課される学校は数多くありますが、VGC では学生の英語使用を促進するためにパープルカード制度を採用しています。このカードは学校スタッフや講師が、英語を積極的に使っている、もしくは English Only Policy を自主的にしっかり守っている学生に、名刺サイズほどのカードを手渡します。手渡された学生は自分の名前を記入し、受付にあるビンに投函します。
ただ英語が話せるだけで終わりたくない! I.K さん Global English & TOEFL & Business English Certificate Program 5 ヶ月 VGC は 「せっかく留学するのだから、ただ英語が話せるだけで終わりたくない!」 という私のニーズに応えてくれる学校でした。 まだ私が日本で語学学校を選んでいるとき、バンクーバーにある語学学校の数が多すぎたため「レベルの高い英語力をつけたい」「本当に仲の良くできる外国人の友達を作りたい」「英語の資格を取りたい」ということに重点を置いて探していました。そして辿り着いたのが VGC です。