Camosun College のおすすめポイントは日本語クラブがあり日本語の勉強したいカナダ人学生に日本語を教えることができる点です。また Peer Connection というプログラムがあり、滞在期間の長い留学生やカナダ人が新入留学生をサポートする体制もあるので、カナダ人や他の国の留学生と触れ合える機会もたくさんあることも特徴として挙げられます。さらに Interurban キャンパスのカフェテリアでは調理コースの学生たちが実習の一環として提供している料理を毎日お手頃価格で召し上がることができます。
また BC 州独自の大学トランスファーなどプログラムが充実し、ESL→Camosun College 本科→3 年次からビクトリア大学や BC 州の 4 年制大学へ進む方も大変多く、将来設計もしやすいのが Camosun College の特徴です。
Camosun College 附属語学学校はビクトリアという自然あふれた環境で、日本人が少なく英語をしっかりと勉強したい方、カナダでの進学を考えている方におすすめの大学附属語学学校です。
Camosun College の English Language Development (ELD) は初級から上級まで 8 つのレベルに分かれていて、学生1 人 1 人にケアが行き届くよう気配りされています。1 学期制、14 週間のクラスの入学時期はそれぞれ 5 月、9 月、1 月となっています。
様々な英語学習環境を用意するコース English Language Development (ELD)
English Language Development (ELD) ではまず 2 種類のレベル、English Language Development Level 1 (Basic English) と English Language Development Level 2 (Academic English) に分かれます。Level 1 ではさらに 6 レベルに分かれ、Level 2 では 2 つのレベルに分かれています。
English Language for the Workplace—e-Work
Participate in Canada’s first online English as a Second Language program for internationally-trained professionals. This flexible, advanced English language training is specifically designed to improve job-related communication skills.
The e-Work program is a series of fully online courses that allows you to study at a distance. Each 35-hour course is completed over 7 weeks. You need to complete 5 courses to earn the certificate and you may take up to 3 courses at a time. Courses are offered every 2 months. A one-week orientation to e-Work and the online learning system, Desire 2 Learn (D2L), is offered before each course begins.
Most of the learning activities can be completed in as little as 20-30 minutes and can be flexibly scheduled into a busy week. Each lesson includes an assessment activity, where you apply and reflect on what you have learned and share an example on the discussion forum. In the final lesson of each course, you will demonstrate your understanding of the concepts taught in the course through a final activity related to the course content. This activity assists in determining your achievement on the course outcomes.
Health Care Assistant
As a Health Care Assistant, you'll be given the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to function effectively as a front-line care-giver and respected member of the health care team in both community and facility settings.
Health Care Assistants learn a wide variety of practical and resident/client care skills. Our program is hands-on, with clinical placements throughout your time at Camosun. You’ll learn about interpersonal communications, lifestyles and choices, personal care, and how to treat patients ethically and with compassion.
Located at our Lansdowne campus, the full-time HCA program is 29 weeks long (approximately seven months). Monday-Friday, 8:30am-2:30pm from September through March. There is also a spring start option: April to October.
Also at Lansdowne campus, the part-time HCA program is 44 weeks in length (approximately 11 months). Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-9pm and Saturdays, 9am-3pm from September through to mid-July.
Homework commitments may vary per student but are likely about three to four hours per day including weekends. You will be required to participate in full-time clinical placements that include day and evening shifts that may occur outside of regular class time.
Your studies will provide you with the skills to advocate on behalf of the rights, needs, interests and fair treatment of residents and their families. As a Health Care Assistant you will develop a person-centred care philosophy aimed at promoting and maintaining the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well being of clients/residents.
Camosun College のプログラム Program
Camosun College に入学した留学生の 4 割以上がビクトリア大学など、ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州の大学に編入しています。
Camosun College を選ぶポイントは、質の高いサービス、そしてリーズナブルな授業料です。またカレッジの中でも少人数制を採用しており (約 25-45 人程度)、教師からきめ細かい指導を受ける事ができます。コースは Academic Upgrading、Arts、Business、Engineering Technology、Health and Human Services、Science、Sports、Trades、Cooperative (Co-op) Education に分かれ、様々な分野のスキルを磨く事ができます。