Okanagan College は BC 州のバンクーバーから東へ 3 時間、カナダで最も美しい街のひとつであり将来住みたい街の第 1 位に選ばれ続けている街 Kelowna にメインキャンパスがある公立のコミュニティカレッジです。
Okanagan College は学生数約 10,000 名程の中規模のカレッジですが 2 年間のプログラムから 4 年間のプログラムまで多彩なコースを持ち、特に観光やホスピタリティ、カリナリーの分野が強いカレッジとして知られております。また大学編入プログラムを利用して UBC を含めた BC 州の大学へ編入する学生も多いです。
Okanagan College 附属語学学校では、30 ヶ国から年間 450 人以上の留学生が学ぶ大規模な語学学校です。English as a Second Language コースでは、2 種類のプログラムの計 6 レベル設定であり English as a Second Language (ESL) と English foe Academic Purse (EAP) を開講しており、どちらもケロウナキャンパスで授業を行っています。
English as a Second Language (ESL) は週 20 時間、16 週間のプログラムで初心者向けの内容となり、2 レベルの中で、リーディング、ライティング、スピーキング、リスニングをバランス良く学びます。授業内容は密度が高く語学留学にも適したプログラムです。中級レベル以上の English foe Academic Purse (EAP) は 4 レベルでアカデミックな内容をしっかり学びます。さらにイングリッシュエッセンシャル、ライティング、リーディングを学び、スピーキング、発音矯正、文法を選択授業で追加できます。レベル 3. 4 で本科の授業を最大 3 コマ取ることができます。さらにレベル 4 で 60 % 以上のスコアを獲得すると本科のほぼ全ての学位及び資格取得プログラムに入学できます。さらに 70 % まで達すると UBC Okanagan Campus への入学も可能となります。
また Okanagan College ではアクティビティにも力を入れており、ケロウナの環境を活かして多彩なアクティビティーを企画しています。実際のアクティビティ内容としてスキー、スノーボード、インターナショナル祭り、乗馬、キャンプ、スケート、カーリング、アイスホッケー観戦、バドミントン、サッカーなどが企画され、更にカナダ人の大学生との交流の機会もあります。Okanagan College では留学生はホームステイだけでなく学生寮 (ケロウナキャンパスのみ) も利用できます。
Okanagan College のメインキャンパスのあるケロウナキャンパスはケロウナの街のダウンタウンから南へ 2km 程の場所にあり、週末は観光地であるケロウナでスキー、スノーボードやゴルフ、カナダ有数のワイン産地でのワイナリーツアーなどを楽しむ事ができます。
Okanagan College 附属語学学校はカナディアンロッキーの山々に囲まれ、オカナガン湖を中心とした静かでのんびりとしたリゾート地でしっかりと英語を勉強しつつ現地の学生と交流したい方におすすめです。
Okanagan College 附属語学学校では、30 ヶ国から年間 450 人以上の留学生が学ぶ大規模な語学学校です。English as a Second Language コースでは、2 種類のプログラムの計 6 レベル設定であり English as a Second Language (ESL) と English foe Academic Purse (EAP) を開講しています。
2 種類のプログラム
English Language Certificate / English for Academic Purposes Certificate
Okanagan College のプログラムは週 20 時間、16 週間のプログラムとなり、English Language Certificate 3 レベル、English for Academic Purposes Certificate 4 レベルの計 7 レベルあるプログラムです。
初心者向けの基礎英語プログラム、English Language Certificate (ESL) はレベルが 3 つあり、リーディング、ライティング、スピーキング、リスニングをバランス良く学びます。さらにその上のレベルの進学準備プログラム、English for Academic Purposes Certificate (EAP) は 4 レベルあり、アカデミックな内容でしっかり学びます。さらにイングリッシュエッセンシャル、ライティング、リーディングを学び、スピーキング、発音矯正、文法を選択授業で追加できます。
This course focuses on basic skills for communicating in English in a Canadian environment. Through a variety of listening and speaking activities, students will learn vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation skills to reach the speaking and listening outcomes for Canadian Language Benchmarks Level 4 (also equivalent to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Level A2).
ESLW 011-80 hours
Introduction to Writing
The first level of a 6 level writing program which develops writing ability for academic purposes. Students will develop their understanding of the written language by writing on familiar topics. Individual sessions with the instructor will encourage the students to become critical readers of their own writing.
ESLR 012-80 hours
Introduction to Reading - Academic
Vocabulary and comprehension are developed through a variety of popular readings. Classroom activities will include reading and discussions. Out-of-class reading assignments are included.
ELRW 014-160 hours
Reading and Writing Level 1
This course focuses on basic skills for reading and writing in English. Through a variety of reading and writing activities, students will learn vocabulary, grammar, and organizational skills to reach the reading and writing outcomes for Canadain Language Benchmarks Level 4 (CEFR level A2).
ESLE 020-160 hours
Listening and Speaking Level 2
This course focuses on basic skills for communicating in English in a Canadian environment. Through a variety of listening and speaking activities, students will learn vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation skills to reach the speaking and listening outcomes for Canadian Language Benchmarks Level 5 (also equivalent to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Level B1).
ESLW 021-80 hours
Writing Improvement
This course is a continuation of ESLW 011, in which students will develop their understanding of the written language by writing on popular topics and writing about them from their cultural background. Students will contribute their work to the ESL newsletter. Individual tutorial sessions with the instructor will encourage the students to be critical readers of their own writing.
ESLR 022-80 hours
Reading Improvement
A continuation of ESLR 012. Students will develop vocabulary and comprehension by understanding simplified academic texts, short stories and poems. Out-of-class reading assignments are included.
ELRW 024-160 hours
Reading and Writing Level 2
This course focuses on basic skills for reading and writing in English. Through a variety of reading and writing activities, students will learn vocabulary, grammar, and orgainizational skills to reach the reading and writing outcomes for Canadian Language Benchmarks Level 4.
English foe Academic Purse (EAP)
EAPD 010-160 hours
Academic Discussion Skills 1
Students will develop their abilities in speaking through engaging in discussions and conversations, reporting personal information, asking and answering questions, and other oral strategies appropriate to this intermediate level. Cultural diversity will be integrated into the course, and listening activities will utilize text-based and classroom exercises, as well as a variety of media, including web-based audio.
EAPW 010-80 hours
Academic Writing Skills 1
Students will develop writing skills to write effective paragraphs. Practice will include sentence combining and learning paragraph structure, vocabulary building, and intermediate-level grammar.
EAPR 010-80 hours
Academic Reading Skills 1
This intermediate course prepares students for academic reading. Skills such as skimming, scanning, predicting, recognizing bias and deducing meaning are developed through the reading of articles, short essays and fiction.
EAPD 020-160 hours
Academic Discussion Skills 2
This second course in academic listening and speaking will focus on developing skills for participation in academic discussions. Group discussions and oral presentations will be part of the course, as will less-formal English such as conversation gambits through idioms and pronunciation such as reductions, contractions, assimilations. Listening content will include both Canadain and other cultural material through a variety of media.
EAPW 020-80 hours
Academic Writing Skills 2
This writing course will develop students' intermediate writing skills. This course will offer grammar practice and writing assignments which will enable students to write grammatically correct, well-organized and fully-developed paragraphs. The academic essay will also be introduced.
EAPR 020-80 hours
Academic Reading Skills 2
In this high intermediate reading course, students will improve their acadmic reading skills through the reading and analysis of a variety of articles, academic texts, and short stories.
EAPD 030-160 hours
Academic Discussion Skills 3
This is the third course in academic listening and speaking. Students will continue developing their ability to understand and be understood in general academic settings. Fluency, pronunciation, and intonation will be emphasized at the appropriate level. Writing skills such as note-taking, critiques, and summaries related to listening and speaking are also developed. Class and lab time include guest speakers and audio/visual materials. Cultural awareness is part of the course through a variety of activities including special events.
EAPW 030-80 hours
Academic Writing Skills 3
Students in this academic writing course will focus on more complex essay writing, such as cause/effect, comparison/contrast, and argumentative essays. Students will also be introduced to research essays with emphasis on appropriate use of paraphrasing strategies, citation styles and grammar structures.
EAPR 030-80 hours
Academic Reading Skills 3
In this advanced reading course, students will analyze a variety of academic texts and works of fiction. Classroom activities will include reading skills development to improve comprehension and vocabulary, as well as analytic and critical thinking skills.
EAPD 040-80 hours
Academic Discussion Skills 4
This is the fourth course in academic listening and speaking. Classwork will help prepare students for full time academic studies. Course content will emphasize critical listening skills of rapid, colloquial or regional language, and discussion strategies will be included while integrating pronunciation components for near-fluent speakers. Note-taking strategies will focus on intent and purpose, factual details, key words, and inferred meaning.
EAPW 040-80 hours
Academic Writing Skills 4
This most advanced course in writing develops writing ability for academic purposes. This course focuses on developing students' ability to write a research paper, a literature essay and academic essays of greater complexity and length.
EAPR 040-80 hours
Academic Reading Skills 4
This is the final and most advanced course in the academic reading program. Students will read and analyze a variety of lengthy, complex texts. Classroom work will include reading activities designed to continue developing advanced skills such as interpreting, analyzing and making inferences.
English for Specific Purposes
Okanagan College offers students an opportunity to improve their English while focusing on a specific subject area. The areas of focus come from requests from institutions or groups.
Specific purposes for ESL include English for the workplace, English for tourism, English for business, English for academic placement such as IELTS or TOEFL, and English for educators.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses are for international institutions, businesses and government agencies and also for Canadian or Canadian immigrant groups. The length of the course varies with the specific need of each group.