※Part Time 18 Lessons: Core Class のみ
※Full Time 28 Lessons: Core Class + Elective (午前または午後どちらかの選択クラス)
※Full Time Intensive 38 Lessons : Core Class + Elective 2クラス(午前と午後の選択科目)
Core Class
English 110
Develop greater skills in listening and speaking for basic communication in the classroom, outside the classroom and at work. Introduction of basic grammar, expand reading and writing skills. Basic computer commands practiced.
English 115
Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to function satisfactorily in most real-life situations related to immediate needs. Must have completed 110 or equivalent. Limited knowledge of computer use and skills with introduction of more advanced technology skills and commands.
English 120
Refine skills needed in conversations beyond survival needs. Function independently in most familiar situations and use appropriate language in routine social situations. Begin to increase and challenge knowledge of simple computer commands and uses.
English 125
Skills needed to function effectively in familiar and unfamiliar social situations and familiar work situations. Communication needed to discuss/interpret cultural differences and use English to solve problems outside the class.
English 130
Fluency and communication skills. Self-monitor effectively when using basic grammatical structure and introduction to more complex structures. Cultural values and thinking patterns are introduced through discussions, readings and writing.
English 140
University preparation with a focus on writing, listening and reading skills. Developing thesis statements and a deep understanding of Comparison/Contrast, Cause/Effect and Effect essay styles. Introduction to academic vocabulary and rhetoric while developing critical thinking skills.
English 145
This EAP course is a continuation of EAP 140. Students further develop their abilities to collect and ynthesize information from a variety of academic sources; analyze and critique materials; and present their ideas in a variety of media in accordance with the academic standards found at the first-year university level.
Elective Class
Listening & Speaking 110
You will learn the basic pronunciation of a wide range of sounds in the English language by listening, speaking and working in small groups.
Listening & Speaking 115
This course focuses on understanding rules and patterns in pronunciation, developing skills for formal and casual situations, and preparing for speaking events.
Journalism & Writing 120
Journalism requires students to consume news from various sources and write short articles once or twice a week.
Current Events 125
Current Events is designed to improve a student’s speaking, listening, reading, and vocabulary through an active intake and discussion of world current events.
English Vocabulary 125
This course explores a wide range of interesting, topical themes to develop essential vocabulary for academic as well as everyday use.
Listening & Speaking 125
High level discussion, listening and public speaking are the focus of this course that utilizes different forms of media to learn about exciting topics from around the world.
Reading Comprehension 110
An introductory Reading Comprehension elective for students new to English.
Writing 115
An intermediate writing course that focuses on strategies and skills for writing a variety of paragraphs.
Grammar 120
This is a back-to-basics grammar course for students who want to strengthen their understanding of English grammar. The course focuses on reviewing the basics of grammar, from tenses to parts of speech, and getting students to use the grammar in spoken and written English.
Movie English 125
This is a vocabulary and listening course that uses movies to help you learn the meaning, use and pronunciation of vocabulary.
Academic Writing 125
This course will get you ready for the difficult challenges of writing at an academic level and help you have success in college.
Reading Comprehension 125
Techniques for comprehending literature and academic readings are the focus of this course. Aspects of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry are also explored.
Special Purpose
English for Hospitality 120
EHS is designed for students wishing to acquire knowledge of the functional English required for employment in a café, bar or restaurant.
IELTS Test Preparation 125
The course is designed to give students thorough knowledge of the IELTS test format and opportunities to develop the skills required to improve on tests.
English for Economics 125
This course looks at basic economic and financial topics in a simple yet interesting manner.
Business English 125
This elective combines Business English topics and vocabulary with Career Preparation. It is ideal for those preparing to enter the workforce at home or abroad.
English for Hospitality & Tourism 125
This course is an introduction to the vocabulary, careers, and industries in Tourism and Hospitality.
This course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed on the TOEFL ITP exam, which is designed to judge their placement, progress, or general proficiency in an academic university situation.
ホスピタリティ・サービス英語 (EHS)
EHS ( English for Hospitality Service ) は、レストランやカフェで働く際に役立つ英語、及び実用的スキルを学びたい方を対象としたプログラムで、カスタマーサービス英語、カフェ&レストランでの実習、コーヒーメイキング (バリスタ)、バーサービス、BC 州認定 The Serving It Right (SIR) 資格が含まれます。
コースでは、CCEL 自慢の eh! レストラン&カフェで、実際にエスプレッソマシーンを扱うなど、実践的な内容が特徴です。また CCEL のキャリアサービスオフィスでは、仕事探しやインターンシップなどについての個別相談、求人情報のご提供などを随時行っています。
大学への進学を目指す 大学進学準備コース (EAP)
CCEL の学生は、一定のレベルに達すると、同キャンパス内にある Canadian College で、専門資格取得プログラムを受講する事ができます。また希望者は、カナダやアメリカのカレッジや大学への進学も可能となります。 特にアルバータ大学の Faculty of Extension との連携により、バンクーバーキャンパスで大学入学用の英語を勉強することができます。EAP 140 と EAP 145 の 2 つのコースがあり、EAP 145 を修了すると下記カレッジ、大学の英語要件を満たすことができます。
University of Alberta
Emily Carr University
Thompson Rivers University
University of Regina
Royal Roads University
University of Lethbridge
New Image College
Smrt Year Smrt Year は、1 年以内の留学で、一般英語 (ESL) だけでなく、複数のコース受講を考えている方、またはカナダとアメリカの 2 ヶ国留学に興味のある方におすすめです。
申込期間内であれば、以下の 3 校の全コースへ追加料金なしで変更が可能です。
・ Canadian College of English Language : バンクーバー
・ Canadian College : バンクーバー
・ Spokane College of English Language : アメリカ、ワシントン州スポケーン
※CCEL の姉妹校
公立カレッジの本科プログラムを提供 St. Lawrence College Program
Canadian College ではオンタリオ州の公立カレッジ、St. Lawrence College と提携し、St. Lawrence College のバンクーバーサテライトキャンパスとして、St. Lawrence College の本科プログラムの受講ができます。バンクーバーのカレッジは入学に求められる英語要件が IELTS で 6.5 となっていますが、オンタリオ州のカレッジは IELTS が 6.0 から入学可能なため、バンクーバーにいながらバンクーバーのカレッジより早く入学でき、また仕事が見つけやすいバンクーバーに暮らしながら受講できるため、様々なメリットがあります。