世界 40 ヶ国以上に 130 校以上の校舎を持つ International House のバンクーバー校は、ダウンタウン南部に位置する中規模校です。生徒に親しみやすい雰囲気の中、多国籍の学生にも対応し、各生徒へ行き届いた細かい指導を行っていることが特徴です。 クラスは最高 12 人までの少人数制で、経験豊富な講師陣による質の高いプログラムとアットホームな雰囲気がポイントです。
International House では国際色も比較的豊かで生徒の国籍が偏らないように各国籍比率を 30% までに制限し、世界中から様々な国籍の留学生を受け入れています。
International House の講師はそれぞれ異なる教歴や経験を持ち、留学生に対する理解も深く親身に学習の相談に乗ってくれます。講師以外のスタッフはマーケティングと学生カウンセラーで分かれ、しっかりとしたサポート体制を維持しており、また世界各国の学生に対応できるよう多国籍のスタッフが在籍しています。日本人カウンセラーも在籍しているので、英語が苦手な学生も安心です。
International House のコースは ESL を基本に、TOEFL、Cambridge などを含む試験対策コース、ビジネス英語、大学進学準備コースなどがあり、学生の幅広いニーズに対応しています。ESL コースでは学生のレベルを 14 段階に分け、午前中の授業は英語の四則をバランス良く学べる内容と会話などコミュニケーションスキルに重点を置いた内容で構成されています。午後の選択授業はリーディング・リスニング・ライティング・文法などの弱点強化クラスやビジネス英語、TOEIC 対策、サバイバル英語など、よりスキルアップを目指したクラスが選択できます。その他にも TOEFL や IELTS 等の試験対策や大学進学のためのプログラムもあり、それぞれの生徒のニーズに答えられるようなプログラム/カリキュラムが用意されています。
児童英語講師資格が学べる J-Shine のコースは International House の魅力の一つでもあり、帰国後に日本で英語教師を目指す学生におすすめです。コースは TOEIC 500 点以上の中級コースと TOEIC 700 点以上の上級コースの 2 つに分かれており、各学生の語学力に合わせてしっかりと知識を身につけることができます。コースには 2 週間の実習も含まれています。
International House は勉強だけでなくアクティビティもしっかり行う学校で、校内のイベントはもちろんのこと、放課後・週末のアクティビティも開催されています。夏はピクニック、ビーチバレー、冬はスキー、スノーボード、スケートなど体を動かすアクティビティやカナダの文化を学べるイベントも随時開催しています。週末にはビクトリア、シアトル、ウィスラーなどへの旅行も可能です。
International House の校舎はスカイトレインの Chinatown-Stadium 駅から徒歩 5 分ほどの立地で、校舎は International Village という大きなショッピングモールの中にあります。モールの中にはフードコートやレストラン、生活用品店、映画館もあり食事の心配もありませんし、放課後は友人同士で映画を見に行くこともできます。その他、チャイナタウンやガスタウンも徒歩圏内にあるため、バンクーバー生活を満喫することができます。
また International House は設備面も充実しており、白を基調とした校舎内の中にはお洒落なラウンジ、キッチン、駐車場等の校内施設も充実している上、バンクーバー市内に学生寮が 3 つあるため、ホームステイ以外に学生寮での滞在も選択可能です。
International House は学校名の通り国際色豊かな環境で楽しく勉強したい方、また基礎英語+αで勉強されたい方、 新しいことにチャレンジしたい方におすすめです。
General English Integrated Skills
General English Integrated Skills
General English Integrated Skills
Focus on Speaking / Listening
※こちらは ESL の午前授業の場合のご紹介です。
International House の ESL コースでは学生のレベルを 14 段階に分け、午前中の授業は英語の四則をバランス良く学べる内容と会話などコミュニケーションスキルに重点を置いた内容で構成されています。
会話中心のプログラムで英語力を伸ばす ESL Programs International House は 14 のレベル設定があります。週 20 時間の場合、8:50 からランチを挟んで 13:20 までGrammar / Writing、Listening / Speaking、Reading / Vocabulary を基礎から学びます。
午後の選択科目は下記の中から各学生のレベルや希望に応じて選択することができます。Period E / F / G に分かれ、50 分間で一つの授業、もしくは E と F の 2 コマ分で一つの授業となっている授業の 2 パターンがあります。午前中に学んだ知識の弱点補強や、よりハイレベルの英語学習に取り組むことができます。
The IHC in TESL is a comprehensive and practical teacher-training course appropriate for both people with no teaching experience and experienced teachers seeking recognized certification. The course provides candidates with the methodology and hands on teaching practice required to effectively manage an ESL classroom. Graduates from this course will have the necessary competencies to become successful language instructors as well a solid foundation to continue learning and developing as a teacher.
10 週間
The International Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ID TESOL) is a 10-week course designed as an extension to the IHC in TESL.
Cambridge CELTA
4 週間
CELTA – Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – is quite simply the most widely recognized and highly-respected initial English language teaching qualification. The course is awarded by the prestigious Cambridge University (Cambridge English Language Assessment) and opens doors to English language teaching jobs around the world. CELTA at IH Career College is also recognized by TESL Canada. The entry requirement is that you are a proficient English language user (between CEFR Level C1 and C2 or above) and educated to the standard required for entry into higher education. 受講にはネイティブレベルの英語力が必要です。
Cambridge Delta
13 週間
Delta – Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – is quite simply one of the best-known and most popular advanced TEFL/TESOL qualifications in the world. The course is awarded by the prestigious Cambridge University (Cambridge English Language Assessment) and can take your teaching career to the next level. 受講にはネイティブレベルの英語力が必要です。
IHC in TESL (4 週間)
• ・Learn the principles of effective teaching
• ・Acquire a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners
• ・Gain valuable hands-on teaching experience
• ・Be able to apply for TESL Canada Professional Standard One certificate
実習・見学について • ・Minimum 6 hours of observation of experienced ESL teachers in a variety of classes and levels over four weeks • ・Minimum 6 hours of Teaching Practice over at least 8 lessons in the 4 weeks, teaching real language learners over four weeks • ・Compulsory 2-day post course class observation and teaching practice ( four hours of each)
*To qualify for TESL Canada Professional Standard One certificate, Candidates of IHC TESL are required to fulfill a 20-hour practicum (10 hours Observation + 10 hours Teaching Practice)
Input session #1: Classroom management
Every day there are input sessions that cover a range of topics dealing with learner needs, language, skills, teaching techniques, planning, professional development, etc.
Input session #2:Teaching reading
Teaching Practice Preparation
This time is devoted to providing you support for your upcoming lessons. There is one trainer for a maximum of six candidates to ensure ample time for individualized support. As the course progresses, you will learn to become more autonomous and to plan more independently, just like in the real teaching world.
Teaching Practice
Teaching Practice is held every day. You will work together with other trainees to teach groups of ESL students. Each candidate teaches a minimum of eight lessons with a minimum of 6 hours over the four weeks. These lessons will be observed by one of the trainers.
With your peers and tutor, this session is a chance to discuss the lessons, build upon the strengths, and look at areas for improvement and possible ideas for doing so.
30 minutes at the end of day for any final questions, course admin, or anything else that needs to be discussed, including providing you support for your upcoming lessons.
You might even get out early from time to time.
ID TESOL (10 週間)
Week 1 & 2
TESOL Foundation
The TESOL Foundation course at IH Career College has been designed to help international students prepare for the IHC TESL course at IH Vancouver. The course provides candidates with a mix of theory and methodology and provides a comprehensive overview of modern TESOL concepts. Classes are small and interactive.
Week 3 – 6
The International House Certificate (IHC) in TESL – Teaching English as Second Language –is a comprehensive and pragmatic teacher training course appropriate for entry-level and experienced teachers seeking a recognized certification. The course provides candidates with the methodology and hands on teaching experience required to effectively manage an ESL classroom. Graduates from this course will have the necessary competencies to become successful language instructors as well a solid foundation to continue learning and developing as a teacher.
Week 7 & 8
IHC Certificate for Young Learners Teaching (CYL)
The IHCYL prepares teachers to work with Young English language learners. The course covers areas such as L1 and L2 acquisition and learning, Clarifying and Practicing Language, Teaching very young Learners, teaching adolescents, materials design and selection, building phonemic awareness and using phonics for literacy education, promoting grammatical awareness in children, and more.
Week 9 & 10
IH Course for the Cambridge ESOL Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT preparation)
International House Certificate for the Cambridge ESOL Teaching Knowledge Test.
The IH TKT course provides a thorough and rigorous preparation for Cambridge ESOL’s internationally recognized Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT). The test is available by registration through the Career College (price not included in course fee).
Cambridge CELTA (4 週間)
•Standing up in front of a class for the first time is a daunting prospect, so you need to make sure you have the skills you need to teach effectively. The CELTA course has the following core components to prepare you for the classroom. The course is 120 hours in total and you will receive a lot of input from your tutors on teaching methodology, lesson planning, language analysis and language skills. You’ll have the opportunity to observe experienced teachers in a real-life language classroom situation and learn about the different skills and techniques they use. You will teach real language students throughout your course and by the end you will have had 6 hours of observed and assessed teaching practice. This practical experience is invaluable when you start your first job. As well as being assessed in the classroom, you will complete four written assignments based on the input you receive. There is no final exam, you are assessed throughout the course; so you can learn and improve as your progress. Every course is moderated by an external assessor, appointed by Cambridge English, so you will receive a certificate from Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge.
• ・6 hours of observed teaching practice of real students at two different levels
• ・4 hours observing other experienced teachers
Input session #1: Classroom management
Every day there are two input session given by one of the course tutors. Input sessions cover a range of topics dealing with learner needs, language, skills, teaching techniques, planning, professional development, etc. All CELTA centres create their input sessions to cover the syllabus set out by Cambridge.
Input session #2:Teaching reading
Teaching Practice Preparation
This time is devoted to providing you support for your upcoming lessons. There is one trainer for a maximum of six candidates to ensure ample time for individualized support. As the course progresses, you will learn to become more autonomous and to plan more independently, just like in the real teaching world.
Teaching Practice
Teaching Practice is when you literally practice teaching with a specially arranged group of students; it’s the time to try out the ideas you’ve seen or learned in input and it’s a chance for you to develop your teaching and get feedback on what you do. For half the course you will be teaching elementary students and for half the course intermediate students. Likewise, one tutor will observe half of your lessons and another tutor the other half. Each candidate teaches a total of eight lessons over the four weeks.
With your peers and tutor, this session is a chance to discuss the lessons, build upon the strengths, and look at areas for improvement and possible ideas for doing so.
30 minutes at the end of day for any final questions, course admin, or anything else that needs to be discussed. You might even get out early from time to time.
Cambridge Delta (10 週間)
•・Extend your knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of English language teaching
・Critically examine your current beliefs and practices as a teacher
・Apply your new knowledge and understanding to your current teaching role
・Extend your knowledge of English language teaching in contexts other than adult learners
・Receive an internationally recognized, highly respected advanced-level teaching certificate
• ・10 hours of unassessed teaching practice
• ・10 hours observing other experienced teachers
Module One Understanding language, methodology and resources for teaching
This module consists of a written exam of two 90-minute papers which focuses on the background to teaching and learning English in a range of contexts. Our integrated course provides input sessions covering all the relevant topics as well as exam strategies and practice to ensure success.
Module Two
Developing professional practice
This module focuses on the principles and practice of planning and teaching and consists of a portfolio of coursework including a professional development assignment, background essays and assessed teaching practice. As well as observing lessons, you will prepare, teach and evaluate four lessons – one is externally assessed by a Cambridge English assessor.
Module Three
English language teaching or management specialism
This module consists of an extended written assignment focused on your chosen specialist area of teaching or your chosen ELT management specialism.
Input session #1 or Teaching Practice Feedback
Every day there are input sessions given by one of the course tutors. Input sessions cover a range of topics dealing with learner needs, language, skills, teaching techniques, planning, professional development, etc. In addition, input sessions are dedicated to exam preparation for module 1, setting up assignments for module 2, etc.
On days following assessed lessons, the first input session is dedicated to lesson feedback. With your tutor, this session is a chance to discuss the lesson, build upon the strengths, and look at areas for improvement and possible ideas for doing so.
Input session #2
Teaching Practice Preparation / Assignment Consultation
This time is devoted to providing you support for your upcoming lessons, with individual time with the tutors. On some days, this time will also be used for support with the assignments so that you can go over ideas with your tutors prior to writing.
Teaching Practice
Teaching Practice is when you literally practice teaching with a specially arranged group of students; it’s the time to try out the ideas you’ve been researching and learning about and to get feedback on your teaching. For some of the course you will be teaching elementary students and for some of the course intermediate students. Likewise, one tutor will observe half of your lessons and another tutor the other half.