CLLC の特徴は生徒の要望にあわせて設定された 3 つの授業時間帯 (8:30 ・11:00 ・13:15)、オリジナルテキストを使用し、リーディング、ライティングとスピーキングリスニングの科目毎のレベル分け、毎週金曜日にテスト、そして Plus One という独自の選択科目があるように非常にユニークな学校です。また、オンランインのサポートシステム、生徒一人一人の英語学習を、自習や宿題など実践的にサポートしてくれる仕組みも整っています。
さらに Plus One という選択科目を受講でき、2 週間毎に学校の用意した多種多様な授業から好きなトピックのクラスを選んで参加することができます。Plus One はアクティビティの要素を含み、楽しみながら学ぶことを目的とした時間で、映画を通して英語を学ぶクラスや、英語の自然な表現を学ぶクラス、先生と一緒に街にでて英語を学ぶクラスなど楽しくてためになるクラスです。
CLLC では厳しい English Only Policy を採用しています。1 回目の違反で 5 時間分の授業が減らされ、2・3 回目の違反ではプレゼンテーションやエッセイなどの追加課題が与えらます。さらに 5 回目で退学になるという厳しいルールとなっています。一方で CLLC の掲げる Open Door Policy でカウンセラーにいつでも、どんなことでも気軽に相談することができるよう、学生のサポートに力を入れています。
Mike Murray - Director of Studies, CLLC Citadel & CLLC Duke:
Why is Halifax good?
Halifax is great because it has the advantages of a big city (lots to do, great concerts and shows, lots of universities, good public transportation) and all of the advantages of a small city (friendly people, safe, clean, and quiet).
Why is CLLC good?
CLLC isn’t good, it’s the best ESL school in the world. We do all the little things right all the time. We care about our students like they were our family. We have a great balance between strong academics and friendly teachers and staff. People who work at CLLC love their jobs, and the students feel that. It’s more than just a school, it’s a family.
Japanese students weak points / points of interest:
In my experience Japanese students are looking for a combination of education and experience. They want to have lots of speaking (something that is missing from their education system in Japan), and they want to have lots of fun in their free time (it’s expensive for them to come and it’s more than just an education experience, it’s an adventure).
How CLLC helps Japanese students:
Through our academic programs, students get lots of opportunity to speak and participate in class. As a result their pronunciation and spoken confidence increase. They then get the opportunity, in the activity section of the day, to practice what they learned in class, outside in the real world.
Why is Halifax good?
-Halifax is famous for its warm, friendly people. It’s a true home away from home.
-It’s a safe, exciting and unique cultural experience shaped by the ocean.
Why is CLLC good?
-CLLC is more than studying in a classroom. It’s truly an English experience. Both in and out of the classroom, students will make memories and friendships that last a lifetime.
Japanese students weak points / points of interest:
-Shyness; being frightened of making mistakes when speaking or writing.How CLLC helps them overcome those points:
-Students are encouraged and rewarded for making efforts.
-Students are given many real-world opportunities to converse with friendly native English speakers.
-We have small Plus One classes where students receive instruction in an intimate and non-pressured environment.