また CLLC の進学準備コースを修了すると、オタワの公立カレッジ、Algonquin College への Certificate・Diploma レベルの英語条件が免除になります。CLLC の大学準備コースが他校との大きく違う点は、どの週の月曜日からでもスタートでき、大学準備コース入学から 12 週間で完了できます。
CLLC では厳しい English Only Policy を採用しています。1 回目の違反で 5 時間分の授業が減らされ、2・3 回目の違反ではプレゼンテーションやエッセイなどの追加課題が与えらます。さらに 5 回目で退学になるという厳しいルールとなっています。一方で CLLC の掲げる Open Door Policy でカウンセラーにいつでも、どんなことでも気軽に相談することができるよう、学生サポートに力を入れています。
帰国後役立つビジネス英語を学ぶ Business English CLLC のビジネス英語コースは、即戦力として使える実践的なビジネス英語の習得を目指します。レポートや E-mail などのビジネス文書の書き方から、ビジネスに関連した英単語、よく用いられるビジネス表現などを学びながら、それらを踏まえ、ビジネスシーンを基にしたグループディスカッションやプレゼンテーションを通して、効率良くビジネスに必要な英語力を吸収していきます。
ビジネスコースを担当する先生は 20 年以上の豊富な経験と、英語教授資格である CELTA、経営管理学修士の MBA を保有している事もあり、その質はお墨付き。一般英語+αを求める方には、おすすめのコースとなっています。
フレキシブルな進学準備コース University Pathway Program CLLC の進学準備コースは、殆どの学校が指定入校日からの入学しかできませんが、CLLC は毎週月曜日入学可能です。入学日からの 12 週間のプログラムとなっているため、入学日を調整せずにご自身の希望でスタート、修了できます。
入学には CLLC のレベル 6 以上の修了か、IELTS 6.0 のスコア提出が必要となります。
進学準備コースを修了すると、CLLC と提携するカレッジ、大学への入学手続きで英語スコアの証明が免除されます。また、CLLC の進学準備コースを修了すると、オタワの公立カレッジ Algonquin College への Certificate/Diploma レベルの英語条件がクリアになります。
Carol Gariepy -
Director of Studies - CLLC Ottawa Why is Ottawa good?
Students love Ottawa because it is beautiful, safe, friendly, clean, and multi-cultural. It is small enough to get around easily and large enough to always have something fun to do.? Whether you enjoy green parks and fresh water, museums and shopping, or restaurants and nightlife, Ottawa has something for everyone.
Why is CLLC good?
Quite simply, CLLC is a great school because we hire only the best teachers and staff.? We love our work and our students. In all areas of operation, we strive for excellence and place our students first.? We give students our very best and, in turn, students give their best to us and to each other.? This creates a dynamic CLLC family culture in which everyone feels like they belong.
Japanese students’ weak points / points of interest:
Japanese students may feel shy about their English-speaking abilities, but that is common among many cultures. The lives of students who travel to Ottawa to learn English will be enriched as they learn about and experience a culture different from their own and share their culture with others.
How CLLC helps Japanese students:
Our friendly and supportive teachers help students overcome shyness and build confidence. We see this so often and it is wonderful! The extra activities give students the chance to practice, practice, practice their English with teachers and other students while exploring Ottawa’s attractions and having fun. get the opportunity, in the activity section of the day, to practice what they learned in class, outside in the real world.
Megan Kenney -
Activities Coordinator -CLLC Ottawa Why is Ottawa good?
Whether your passion is the outdoors, physical activity, shopping, or eating, Ottawa literally has something for everyone. As our nations’ capital, the city is full of life, diverse people and is a perfect representation of our home and native land, Canada.? This beautiful, picturesque city is one of a kind and cannot be missed.
Why is CLLC good?
CLLC offers a fantastic English program to all students of every level. With the primary policy of the school being English Only, there is a strong emphasis on learning the language and being integrated into Canadian culture and society. As the schools events coordinator, there is never a dull moment at school. CLLC offers a range of activities throughout the week and on weekends which will keep every student active, and busy within their new community. A strong point I like to emphasis personally is that learning English in the classroom is of great importance; learning and practicing English outside of the classroom is a necessity to ones’ success in mastering the language.
Japanese students’ weak points / points of interest:
CLLC is not just your standard language school. CLLC goes above and beyond in all aspects of school life such as creating a diverse and unique educational program, offering a varied activities program throughout the year, having a fantastic supportive staff, and through all of these aspects creating a memorable experience for each student at CLLC. Whether you are a student at CLLC for four weeks, or two years our goal is to make this one of the best, most unforgettable experiences of your life
.How CLLC helps Japanese students:
CLLC caters to each student individually, and offers an environment where although all students come from different backgrounds, cultures and countries, all will feel a warm welcome, and a strong sense of community. CLLC has a friendly, supportive staff with their main concern being the students.